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Meet your productivity goals.

Checking items in, shipping items out, moving from the truck to a specific rack location, these are all familiar pieces of your business. The best performing warehouses (accuracy and efficiency) are using the right mobile scanning products, voice solutions, and printing technologies to complete these day to day operations. If your goal is to increase productivity in the warehouse and distribution center, let me walk you through this quick chart on just a few devices that are made for specific divisions in your warehouse. We can work together to get the ROI your business needs to meet an exceed those productivity and efficiency goals
…and the added bonus of making your life easier!

14% More Productivity. That’s an extra hour per worker, per shift.

Superior Design, Durability, Extended Battery Life and More: Read more on the TC8000 features and benefits that are revolutionizing the warehouse.

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Advantages of RFID vs Barcodes

Increase Accuracy & Efficiency: Products, Services, and Solutions to deliver unmatched workflow accuracy and productivity that your operations depend on.

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AB&R (American Barcode and RFID) | 3431 East Elwood St | Phoenix, Arizona 85040

800-281-3056  |

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